
Meet RTD's experienced and dedicated 领导团队.

Headshot of Debra 约翰逊

黛布拉一. 约翰逊
Chief Executive Officer

黛布拉一. 约翰逊 is a person in the people business, 作为一名交通主管,她知道自己的决策直接关系到公众建立有利于他们生活的联系的能力. 约翰逊于8月11日被丹佛区域交通运输区(RTD)董事会选为总经理兼首席执行官. 25, 2020. She is the first woman to lead the agency in its 52-year history.

Learn More about 黛布拉一. 约翰逊

Headshot of Charlene Polege

Charlene Polege
Chief People Officer

Charlene Polege was named RTD's Chief People Officer in December 2022. As a values-driven and servant leader, Polege在过去的20年里,通过发展,帮助使命驱动型组织中有才华的个人充分发挥潜力, 支持, 通过组织的共同目标和一致的价值体系,培养一种有吸引力和弹性的组织文化.

Prior to joining RTD, Polege为加拿大最大的在线综合性学术研究型大学提供执行人力资源领导, where she was responsible for overall strategic HR planning, organizational development, culture and engagement, 总回报, employee and labor relations, and HR service provision in an efficient, 富有成效的, 包容, 尊重, and sustainable manner. Polege also has extensive experience in the private sector, 在一家领先的酒店组织担任人力资源副总裁/隐私官,500名员工.

Polege holds a graduate degree from Royal Roads University, 获得冲突分析与管理方向的文学硕士学位和执行教练证书(CEC)。. 她还拥有人力资源管理协会的认证高级专业人员(SHRM-CSP)称号,以及康奈尔大学的人力资源多样性和包容性证书.

Headshot of 道格•麦克劳德

Chief Financial Officer

道格•麦克劳德 was appointed as the Chief Financial Officer in April 2021. 麦克劳德在私营和公共部门拥有32年的财务和会计经验, and he began his career with RTD in 2010. MacLeod拥有Fort Lewis College的会计学士学位和Regis University的财务与会计工商管理硕士学位. 他还拥有科罗拉多州的注册会计师执照.

Headshot of Chief 乔尔·菲茨杰拉德

Chief of Police and Emergency Management

Dr. 乔尔·菲茨杰拉德, Sr., joined RTD in August 2022 as the Chief of Police and Emergency Management. In his role at the agency, 菲茨杰拉德领导该机构努力支持客户和员工的人身安全和保障. RTD之前, Fitzgerald served as the Chief of Police in Fort Worth, 德州; Missouri City, 德州; Waterloo, Iowa; and Allentown, 宾西法尼亚. In each of the four positions, 菲茨杰拉德是这两个组织历史上第一位担任该职位的非裔美国人.

Fitzgerald was born in Philadelphia, 宾西法尼亚, 持有Villanova University的文科学士学位, a Masters of Business Administration degree from Eastern University, 和Ph值.D. in Business Administration from Northcentral University. 菲茨杰拉德也是哈佛大学的毕业生,在州和地方政府的高级管理人员, the FBI National Academy-National Executive Institute, Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command, and PERF-Senior Management in Policing program.

In 2019, 菲茨杰拉德被选为联邦调查局执法执行发展协会董事会成员.

Headshot of 斯图亚特·萨默斯

Chief 通信 and Engagement Officer

斯图亚特·萨默斯 oversees all strategic communications, media and public relations, 市场营销, customer engagement, and community outreach at RTD. 他于2022年被任命为首席传播和参与官,专门负责提高公众认知和整体意识.

Prior to assuming his role at RTD, Summers was the Associate Vice President for Marketing, 通信, and Strategic Initiatives at Idaho State University. He spent 11 years overseeing the university’s 市场营销 and communications, bolstering campus events and traditions, and 支持 the institution’s strategic priorities. 萨默斯还曾是美国全国广播公司爱达荷分公司的早间节目主持人和记者. Summers spent two years volunteering as an English teacher in Mongolia, where he taught at a career and technical college near the Russian border. In addition to being an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instructor, he also speaks Mongolian fluently.

Headshot of 梅勒妮斯奈德


梅勒妮斯奈德 was named RTD’s 总法律顾问 in June 2020. Snyder拥有超过15年代表公共和私营部门各种客户的经验. As 总法律顾问, 她为总经理和首席执行官以及选举产生的董事会提供建议, and oversees the Legal Services, 风险管理, and Information Governance Management Divisions.

Prior to assuming her role at RTD, Snyder曾担任首席副检察长和办公室主任,监督科罗拉多州最大的律师事务所的管理. 在这些角色中, 她负责监督所有行政和司法分支机构的总法律顾问和交易咨询, boards and commissions, and statewide elected officials, coordinated legal policy and ethics compliance, and served as intergovernmental liaison. She also oversaw civil investigations and litigation, including coordination with multistate and federal partners, and enforcement of consumer protection, cybersecurity/data privacy, 消费信贷, and federal and state antitrust laws. Snyder has significant expertise in business operations and continuity, process improvement, public relations, and community engagement. Prior to joining the Attorney General’s Office, Snyder practiced commercial litigation at large and small Denver firms. She received her J.D. 他获得了圣地亚哥大学法学院和亚利桑那大学政治学和心理学学士学位.

Photo of 戴夫·詹森

Assistant General Manager, Rail Operations

戴夫·詹森是一名铁路专业人士,拥有超过36年的铁路和行政管理经验. He is responsible for managing all aspects of RTD’s rail operations, including both Commuter Rail and Light Rail. Jensen于1989年开始他的管理生涯,拥有监督客运铁路机构各级的丰富经验.

詹森为美国和国际上的许多过境机构提供咨询和援助, including agencies in Hong Kong, 加拿大, 阿根廷, 犹他州, 加州, 德州, 维吉尼亚州, 和华盛顿, D.C. 他还参与了美国公共交通协会(APTA)的众多同行评审. 詹森咨询过堪萨斯城、辛辛那提和底特律的有轨电车新启动机构. 他被公认为铁路运营领域的主题专家,并在加利福尼亚州和科罗拉多州的许多法庭案件中作为专家证人作证. His expertise most specifically relates to the rules, 政策, 程序, and training of rail operations.

Acting Assistant General Manager, Planning

布莱恩•韦尔奇拥有数十年的评估多式联运规划经验, including more than 12 years with the Regional Transportation District, 12 years of public sector service with Danville, 加州, and 11 years with Fehr & Peers in both 加州 和科罗拉多. His career has been characterized by key leadership roles for complex, inter-jurisdictional, high-profile public, and private sector work. 韦尔奇在公共部门的成就包括授权并负责完成和实施机构范围内的交通规划和规划工作.

Photo of 弗雷德·沃森写

Assistant General Manager, Bus Operations

弗雷德·沃森写 is the Assistant General Manager, Bus Operations. 近40年前,他在德克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂开始了他的职业生涯,当时他是一名教练操作员. Worthen在德克萨斯州的整个职业生涯中担任高级领导职务, 华盛顿, 和科罗拉多. He has an extensive background in operations and planning. Worthen frequently speaks at national conferences on operational improvement, lessons learned and implementing alternative fueled vehicles, and other transit-related topics.

Jyotsna Vishwakarma
Acting Assistant General Manager, Capital Programs

Jyotsna Vishwakarma was appointed as the Acting Assistant General Manager, Capital Programs in July 2023. 她自2010年以来一直在RTD工作,并自2015年11月起担任该机构的总工程师. 在加入RTD之前,Vishwakarma曾在科罗拉多州和德克萨斯州的工程咨询公司工作. 她领导的资本项目部负责管理基础设施和设施的变更和扩建, 不动产, 工程, 建设, 映射, and utility locates. 她的团队还负责维护公共、行政和运营设施.

A licensed Professional Engineer, Vishwakarma拥有土木工程硕士和学士学位,并在各种基础设施和设施计划和项目方面拥有30多年的工作经验.